11616 Southfork Avenue, Suite 400, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 info@thestitchesgroup.com 225.955.4971
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SIP: The S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Project

October 1 - December 24

The Stitches’ Group is honored to present our annual holiday project, The S.T.E.A.L.T.H. (Service Team of Elves and Angels Laboring Together to Help) Holiday Project.

The S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Holiday Project is different from traditional holiday projects by who it aims to help. It seeks those who do not normally receive assistance and would not speak of their hardship. The families who do not have, are struggling to get by, and often would never ask for handouts or a hand up will get many of their wishes granted during this season of giving with your help.

How Can You Get Involved? There are several ways to be involved

Our Angels adopt members of the families and provide gifts for them. They create the miracles that make this initiative work.

Our Elves are the backbone of our process. They pick up presents, wrap presents, help with social media & assist with delivering presents.

Santa’s – Our Santa’s are our special stars that wrap presents & deliver presents to the kids all over the Capitol City & surrounding area!! They provide door to door service dressed in unique Santa hats!!

You can choose one way to help or many ways!! We want the experience to be as fulfilling for you as it is for the families we serve. Let’s make a bigger impact on our community to show how much we care!!

Applications DO NOT need to be submitted by a member of the family – however, we will need to speak to the adult/parent in the family prior to actually accepting that family for assistance.

All families applying for assistance must reside in Louisiana.

What Do The Families Need & Want? Families are nominated and selected based on need and circumstances.

(We do not accept or give out any violent or offensive toys, books or gifts of any type.)

All gifts will need to be into one of our drop off locations by Dec. 15th.

Where Do People Drop Off Presents? The Stitches Group HQ Office 11616 Southfork Avenue, Suite 400, Baton Rouge, LA 70816

How Do The Presents Get Wrapped & Delivered? We are counting on our Elves & Santa Clauses to gather to wrap presents, deliver presents and show those in and around the Capitol city we love them!!!

The Stitches Group and their partners will host a wrapping party and the launching point for Santa take off for delivery.  (TBA)

Who do we talk to for more details & sign up? All Marketing & P.R. contact:

225.955.4971 info@thestitchesgroup.com

Thank you again. Share our vision and ask others to join us! All ages are welcome!


October 1
December 24
Event Categories:


Dr. Jeremy L. Blunt
Deatra Peoples-Blunt